20Police Headquarters

Carl-August-Allee 8-10

Ornate architectural details on a building's corner in black and white.
1884 - Year of construction of the police headquarters, 2007.

The Gestapo control center for Thuringia was founded in Weimar on January 1, 1934. It was housed in the Weimar police headquarters, a representative building from the early Wilhelminian period.

The year of the building's construction, 1884, can be found on the corner of the building facing
Meyerstrasse. One of the Gestapo's tasks as a political police force was to monitor and combat "anti state activities". By May 1934, however, the Gestapo had already become too involved in this
work. Countless denunciations had led to an overload of work. It therefore considered it necessary to combat the "phenomenon of denunciation, which was unworthy of the German people". Reports of alleged "anti-state statements" were mostly personal disputes, especially between neighbors.
The Gestapo compiled up-to-date situation reports on the political mood of the population and
reported the arrests of political opponents in Thuringia to the Reich Ministry of the Interior. There
were several cells in the basement of the police headquarters, which were used as a transit station to Buchenwald concentration camp until the end of the war. As the Gestapo continued to grow, it moved into the Marstall building in 1936. It should have been given its final headquarters there, if the Gauforum would have been completed. The former police headquarters is now home to the Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation.

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