31Theodor Neubauer – Residence

Marienstraße 9

Tz you can see a portrait photo of Theodor Neubauer. He has cropped hair and is wearing a black suit. He looks seriously into the camera.
Theodor Neubauer after his release from the Buchenwald concentration camp, 1939.

A memorial plaque to the right of the entrance has commemorated the resistance fighter Theodor
Neubauer, who lived here in 1923, since 1962. Neubauer, born in Ermschwerd an der Werra in 1890, worked as a teacher in Erfurt, Ruhla and at the Weimar Sophienschule after completing his doctorate in history. He was a member of the KPD state parliament from 1921 and for a short time a state councillor in the SPD/KPD government in Thuringia. After protesting against the invasion of Saxony and Thuringia by the Reichswehr, he fled to Düsseldorf at the end of 1923 and rejoined with his family there in 1928. Neubauer was a member of the Reichstag from 1924 to 1933. He was arrested in 1933 and held as a "protective custody prisoner" in various prisons and concentration camps. At the beginning of August 1937, he was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp, where he soon took on a leading role in the illegal KPD. After his release in 1939, he moved to Tabarz in the Thuringian Forest. Together with the Jena carpenter Magnus Poser, he founded an underground communist group in 1942. The Neubauer-Poser group had liaisons in many Thuringian cities, including Weimar, as well as contacts in Saxony, Berlin and the Ruhr region. It produced illegal leaflets with a circulation of up to 1,500 copies. Neubauer was arrested again in July 1944 and initially interrogated for several weeks in the Marstall, the Gestapo prison in Weimar. In January 1945, Theodor Neubauer was sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in Brandenburg prison on February 5, 1945.

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