28Kurt Nehrling – Lingerie Shop


Together with his wife Hedwig, Kurt Nehrling ran a lingerie store in the passageway to the residential complex on the right-hand side. Kurt Nehrling, born in Weimar in 1899, joined the SPD at the age of 19. The trained locksmith worked as a civil servant in the public sector until he was temporarily retired for political reasons in 1933. In order to support his family, he founded a laundry business, which became a meeting place for Weimar Social Democrats. A resistance group formed around Kurt Nehrling and Hans Eberling, a former SPD sub-district secretary, which was mainly made up of young men and women from the now banned Socialist Workers' Youth. The members met in private homes, exchanged banned books and self-published pamphlets and kept in touch with Social Democrats of other cities. In 1939, Nehrling was reinstated as an accountant for the police treasury.
When he criticized the Nazi regime at his workplace, he was denounced by co-workers in 1942. Statements such as that the Soviet Union had not started the war but was defending itself were interpreted by the Supreme SS and Police Court as "subversion of military power". Kurt Nehrling was sentenced to death in September 1943 and murdered in Dachau concentration camp on December 22, 1943.

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