2Hotel Elephant

Markt 19

You can see Adolf Hitler sticking his head out of the window of the old Haus Elephant on 3 July 1936. Cheering people stand in front of the hotel.
Hitler in the old house Elephant, 3. Juli 1936.

Thomas Mann created a literary monument to the old Hotel Elephant with his novel "Lotte in Weimar". It no longer stands today. Due to alleged dilapidation, the Hotel Elephant was demolished down to its foundations in 1937 and replaced by a new building. The Elephant was to be the most modern hotel of its time; the commission
was awarded to Hermann Giesler, who, as the architect of the Gauforum, was particularly in favour of Adolf Hitler. The use of marble and German precious woods emphasised its prestigious character. The popular Elephant Cellar restaurant in the vault of the building was designed in the style of ancient Germanic forms. The balcony on the market side was also intended as a speaker's platform, emphasised by flagpoles and the relief of the imperial eagle. A suite facing the garden on the first floor was designed according to Adolf Hitler's individual wishes and was not used by other hotel guests. The topping-out ceremony was held on Hitler's birthday in 1938 and the hotel was ready for occupancy on Gautag in November, when Hitler was the first guest. The market was used as a parade ground when the "Führer" visited Weimar. The people of Weimar would gather and chant: "Dear Führer, please, please, direct your steps onto the balcony." In 1955, Haus Elephant was reopened on the occasion of Thomas Mann's visit for the Schiller Festival Week.

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