35cGrove of honor of the Persecutees of the Nazi Regime (VdN)

at the Central Cemetary

Monochrome photo of a memorial with a sphere topped by a triangle, inscribed in German.
Memorial stone on the VdN Grove of Honour, 2007.

On August 28, 1946, the urns of 115 people who had been murdered by the Gestapo in Webicht, a wooded area near Weimar, during the last days of the war were buried in the birch grove on the east side of the cemetery. Ernst Busse, Deputy Prime Minister of Thuringia, and Pastor Wessel gave speeches. Two years later, on September 12, 1948, a memorial "for the unknown victims of fascism from the Buchenwald camp" was unveiled at this site. The memorial stone, whose basic shape is reminiscent of the "Stone of Good Fortune" in the garden of Goethe's garden house, bears the red triangle of the political concentration camp inmates at the top. The dedication "Immortal victims you sink away" is borrowed from the workers' song of the same name. The site was redesigned in 1961 and a collective grave was created for the Webicht dead - now known as the "Hundred and Fourteen Unknown Victims". Since 1948, victims of the Nazi regime who died after the war, including Buchenwald inmates, have also been buried in the memorial grove. In 1976, another urn field was laid out in a comprehensive redesign, which is surrounded by walls on which plaques with the names and life dates of the men and women buried here are attached. The site was last extended at the end of the 1980s.

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