35dBurial ground for bombing victims and soldiers

at the Central Cemetary

Stone grave cross with milled-out rank of a Buchenwald SS man.
Stone grave cross with milled-out rank of a Buchenwald SS man, 2007.

At the southern end of the main cemetery is a communal burial ground for bombing victims and
soldiers of the Second World War. Plaques list the names of 710 people who died in the bombing raids on Weimar and the armaments factory in Buchenwald. A memorial stone commemorates the worst attack on February 9, 1945, in which 462 residents and foreign forced laborers were killed. The 528 concentration camp prisoners who died in the same attack - many of whom died because they were not allowed to leave the factory halls of the Fritz Sauckel plant - are not included. The soldiers' graves received new stone grave crosses in 1992, on which the ranks of those who died are noted. As it turned out, numerous members of the Waffen SS were among the dead, including former concentration camp guards. After massive public protests, their ranks were subsequently removed.

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